Seed Saving Workshop with Dr. Lidya Horns
NOA hosted a Seed Saving Workshop on 5 October, facilitated by Dr Lydia Horn from the Namibian Institute of Seeds and the University of Namibia. Participants were very engaged throughout the day and learned the basics of saving seeds, such as choosing the right plants, harvesting, and storing seeds to keep them healthy. The workshop provided helpful tips on sustainable practices and taught practical skills for protecting plant diversity. Through engaging talks and demonstrations, participants left feeling confident about saving and storing seeds and supporting local ecosystems and future generations. The positive feedback highlighted how enjoyable and useful the workshop was!

The Namibian Organic Association (NOA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 17 October at the NNF offices in Windhoek. Both NOA members and non-members attended, with members making up the majority. Mareike Voigts presented the Chairperson’s report, sharing what NOA has achieved over the year, including partnerships with other organizations. Vera Corry presented the work of the Knowledge Hub on Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Southern Africa (KHSA), which has now come to an end. The meeting ended with nominations for the new Board. Selma Nasheya, Vera Corry, Eckhart Förtsch, and Dirk Bockmühl were re-elected, while Lydia Nakupanda and Immo Böhm joined as new Board members. Sanet Brundyn, a long-term Board member, has stepped down from the NOA Board. The NOA Board would like to express their appreciation for all her long-term service and support to NOA and the organic sector in Namibia.

Lydia Nakupanda Immo Böhm
Training of Trainers for Organic Livestock Production
NOA and NNF hosted the Organic Livestock Training of Trainers workshop on Farm Krumhuk on 22 – 24 October. The training was attended by 6 trainers (representing freelance, Agribank, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform), three of them also being livestock farmers themselves. The focus of the training was on sharing information with trainers on the technical knowledge for organic livestock production (including the validation of the content of the organic livestock training manual) as well as on how to facilitate such training with farmers, focusing on developing conversion plans from conventional to organic production. Participants found the training extremely engaging and useful, especially aspects of formulating the four principles of organic agriculture into practical examples. The training was co-facilitated by Eckhart Förtsch (NOA-certified organic vegetable and livestock farmer) and Jozua Lambrechts (holistic manager and farmer with a background in adult education).

Home Gardening Workshop
Join us for the Home Gardening Workshop on Saturday, 7 December 2024!
Learn how to assess your space, plan layouts, manage water effectively, and participate in hands-on activities focused on soil preparation.
NOA hosted a Seed Saving Workshop on 5 October, facilitated by Dr Lydia Horn from the Namibian Institute of Seeds and the University of Namibia. Participants were very engaged throughout the day and learned the basics of saving seeds, such as choosing the right plants, harvesting, and storing seeds to keep them healthy. The workshop provided helpful tips on sustainable practices and taught practical skills for protecting plant diversity. Through engaging talks and demonstrations, participants left feeling confident about saving and storing seeds and supporting local ecosystems and future generations. The positive feedback highlighted how enjoyable and useful the workshop was!

The Namibian Organic Association (NOA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 17 October at the NNF offices in Windhoek. Both NOA members and non-members attended, with members making up the majority. Mareike Voigts presented the Chairperson’s report, sharing what NOA has achieved over the year, including partnerships with other organizations. Vera Corry presented the work of the Knowledge Hub on Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Southern Africa (KHSA), which has now come to an end. The meeting ended with nominations for the new Board. Selma Nasheya, Vera Corry, Eckhart Förtsch, and Dirk Bockmühl were re-elected, while Lydia Nakupanda and Immo Böhm joined as new Board members. Sanet Brundyn, a long-term Board member, has stepped down from the NOA Board. The NOA Board would like to express their appreciation for all her long-term service and support to NOA and the organic sector in Namibia.

Lydia Nakupanda Immo Böhm
Training of Trainers for Organic Livestock Production
NOA and NNF hosted the Organic Livestock Training of Trainers workshop on Farm Krumhuk on 22 – 24 October. The training was attended by 6 trainers (representing freelance, Agribank, Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform), three of them also being livestock farmers themselves. The focus of the training was on sharing information with trainers on the technical knowledge for organic livestock production (including the validation of the content of the organic livestock training manual) as well as on how to facilitate such training with farmers, focusing on developing conversion plans from conventional to organic production. Participants found the training extremely engaging and useful, especially aspects of formulating the four principles of organic agriculture into practical examples. The training was co-facilitated by Eckhart Förtsch (NOA-certified organic vegetable and livestock farmer) and Jozua Lambrechts (holistic manager and farmer with a background in adult education).

Home Gardening Workshop
Join us for the Home Gardening Workshop on Saturday, 7 December 2024!
Learn how to assess your space, plan layouts, manage water effectively, and participate in hands-on activities focused on soil preparation.